Course curriculum

    1. Introduction - Dr. Jane Beese

    2. Welcome to this Training Course

    3. Course Introduction

    4. In Memory of Jacob Beese

    5. About this Non-Clinical Art Therapy Program

    6. Guiding Principles for Teaching Art2Essence Non-Clinical Art Therapy

    7. Art2Essence Teacher's Mission

    8. Art2Essence Teacher Agreement

    9. Teacher Training Program Liability Waiver

    10. Teacher Training Agreement and Liability Waiver Confirmation

    1. Duplication

    2. How to Take This Course

    1. Program Syllabus

    2. Art2Essence Program Objectives

    3. Course Materials

    4. The Story of Mrs. Miller

    5. Anatomy of Addiction

    1. Objectives for Module 1

    2. Teacher Training Video: Intro to Module 1 - with Dr. Jane Beese

    3. Teaching Touchstone: Empowerment and Choice - with Michael Sayre

    4. Vocabulary

    5. Reading on Empowerment, Choice, & Addiction

    6. Connection to Art

    7. Check Your Understanding (Module 1 Quiz)

    1. Course Objectives

    2. Student Agreement Certificate Instructions

    3. Student Agreement Certificate (to print and have your students fill out to keep)

    4. Art2Essence Student Agreement - Teacher Copy (Print copies for students and have them sign, then collect)

    5. Student Liability Waiver (Print copies for students and have students sign, then collect)

    6. Copy of Student Course Introduction Video with Dr. Jane Beese

    7. Student's Welcome Video

    8. Our Birthrights

    9. Our Birthrights (Video)

    10. PDF of Our Birthrights

    11. Student Introductions

    12. Lesson 1: Student Objectives

    13. Lesson 1: Introduction (Megan - this is for the teacher's course - delete the one below after course is duplicated)

    14. Lesson 1: Introduction (this is for the STUDENTS course - Megan, delete the above "Student Introductions" when duplicating the course for students).

    15. Choice video by Michael Sayre

    16. Lesson 1: Breathwork

    17. Lesson 1: Meditation

    18. Lesson 1: The Art of Zentangle

    19. Lesson 1: Assignment: Upload Your Art

    20. Lesson 1: Assignment

    21. Lesson 1: Thoughtful Reflection

    22. Lesson 1: Group Share

    23. Lesson 1: Weekly Focus and Journal

    24. Lesson 1: Closing Prayer

    1. Objectives for Module 2

    2. Teacher Training Video: Intro to Module 2 - with Dr. Jane Beese

    3. Teaching Touchstone: Attitude - with Michael Sayre

    4. Vocabulary

    5. Reading Content

    6. Connection to Art

    7. Check Your Understanding (Module 2 Quiz)

About this course

  • Free
  • 165 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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