ART2ESSENCE For Substance Use and Addictions Recovery: Lessons 1-3
Enjoy the first 3 lessons of this program, created by Art Therapist Jane Beese.
Student Course Introduction Video with Dr. Jane Beese
Student's Welcome Video with Michael Sayre, Th.M.
Jacob Beese Memorial Video
Our Birthrights
Our Birthrights (Video)
Lesson 1: Student Objectives
Lesson 1: Introduction
Choice video by Michael Sayre
Lesson 1: Breathwork
Lesson 1: Meditation
Lesson 1: The Art of Zentangle
Lesson 1: Assignment
Lesson 1: Thoughtful Reflection
Lesson 1: Group Share
Lesson 1: Weekly Focus and Journal
Lesson 1: Closing Prayer
Lesson 2: Student Objectives
Lesson 2: Introduction
Attitude video by Michael Sayre
Lesson 2: Breathwork
Lesson 2: Meditation
Lesson 2 Art Lesson: Appreciating the Process
Lesson 2: Assignment
Lesson 2: Thoughtful Reflection
Lesson 2: Group Share
Lesson 2: Weekly Focus and Journal
Lesson 2: Closing Prayer
Lesson 3: Student Objectives
Lesson 3: Introduction
Courage video by Michael Sayre
Lesson 3: Breathwork
Lesson 3: Meditation
Lesson 3: Art Lesson
Lesson 3: Art Lesson - Slideshow on The Mandala
Lesson 3: Assignment
Lesson 3: Thoughtful Reflection
Lesson 3: Group Share
Lesson 3: Weekly Focus and Journal
Lesson 3: Closing Prayer