Course curriculum
Teacher Introduction - Dr. Jane Beese
How to Take This Course
Course Introduction
Non-Clinical Art Therapy
Non-Clinical Art Therapy PDF sheet for reference
Course Materials
Course Objectives
Module 1 Introduction
Module 1 Student Objectives for Lesson 1
Module 1: Vocabulary
Choice - Video by Michael Sayre
Module 1: Reading on Empowerment, Choice, & Addiction
Module 1: Connection to Art
Check Your Understanding (Module 1 Quiz)
Lesson 1: Introduction
Student Agreement (to print and have your students fill out)
Student Introductions
Lesson 1: Breathwork
Lesson 1: Meditation "I am in control of my life"
Lesson 1: The Art of Zentangle
Lesson 1: Assignment
Lesson 1: Group Share
Lesson 1: Weekly Focus and Journal
Lesson 1: Closing Prayer
Module 2 Video Introduction
Module 2 Student Objectives for Lesson 2
Module 2: Vocabulary
Attitude - Video by Michael Sayre
Module 2: Reading on Attitude and Addiction
Module 2: Connection to Art
Check Your Understanding (Module 2 Quiz)
Lesson 2: Introduction
Lesson 2: Breathwork
Lesson 2: Meditation
Lesson 2 Art Lesson: Appreciating the Process
Lesson 2: Assignment
Lesson 2: Group Share
Lesson 2: Weekly Focus and Journal
Lesson 2: Closing Prayer
About this course
- Free
- 116 lessons
- 0 hours of video content